Tuesday, July 2, 2013

DOMA Repael and Affordable Care Act

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 Supreme Court Keeps IRS Busy
(DOMA repeal)
As if the IRS has not been busy enough lately trying to clean up after the scandals, now the Supreme Court's ruling on DOMA has them hopping.  With the Supreme Court striking down DOMA this  means that same sex couples will now be eligible for the thousands of federal benefits including filing their tax returns jointly.  IRS will now have to write guidance as to how this will be handled.  It's a messy situation with only 13 states recognizing same sex marriage.  For example, how will a couple legally married in California but living in Oregon be allowed to file?  Since Oregon does not currently allow same sex marriage would these taxpayers still have to file separately?  Right now this is how it looks.  I foresee more court cases in the future as this all plays out.  We will keep you posted as things become more clear over the next few months.
Affordable Care Act and Cover Oregon
Two upcoming things to be aware of. First, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is starting January 1st, 2014 and will give people more insurance options. Second, you will be required to have insurance or pay an additional fine. Cover Oregon will be open for business in October 2013 to give everyone time to shop for coverage before the new health care benefits begin in January. CoverOregon.com