Once you have filed your taxes with us you can find out the status of your refund at . Make sure you wait 72 hours to check after the IRS acknowledges receipt of your e-filed return. If you went the snail mail route, you'll have to wait up to four weeks.
For finding out the answer to Where's my refund, you'll need a few key pieces of information:
-Your SS# (or IRS individual taxpayer identification number).
-Your filing status.
-The exact refund amount.
Have tax questions? has answers. Their website is available 24/7 for all your tax needs.
Want to check on the status of your 2010 Oregon personal income tax refund? If you know your Social Security number, filing status, and the amount of your refund, you can look up your status online at the Oregon Department of Revenue.
You will need the following to check the status of your 2010 California personal income tax refund: Your social security number, your mailing address, and the refund amount shown on your tax return. You can check the status at the
California Department of Revenue. You will generally receive your state tax refund within 7-10 days if you e-filed your return or 8 weeks from the date you mailed your return.
For the status of your New York state refund visit the New York Department of Taxation and Finance.