Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Top 10 reasons to get pumped for tax season

Top 10 reasons to get pumped for tax season

10.  The lunchroom is finally filled with extra snacks.
9.    Basking in the opportunity to learn the second language of efile - Code 77784 reject.
8.    It’s that time again to see those special clients who you only see once a year.
7.    That warm and fuzzy feeling only getting a tax return to balance brings.
6.    Watching everyone else get a snow day while lamenting there are no snow days during tax season.
5.    Catching a glimpse of the Liberty Tax guy waving and feeling relief we don't have to do that.
4.  The opportunity to spend lots and lots of time with your coworkers.
3.  That phone call confirming, yes, there is indeed a bug in your tax software.
2.  The joy of finding a refund opportunity in a prior year as a result of a new court case.
1.  Cash flow.

By Jody Padar

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